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Certified Fresh and California-Grown, Rotten Tomatoes Turns 25

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 (DAVIDS48 via Getty Images)

Rotten Tomatoes, the site that rates movies according to how a tomato decomposes – from Certified Fresh to rotten – turns 25 this year. And its origin story isn’t only one of the dot-com boom: It began with Jackie Chan movies, a martial arts club and three UC Berkeley undergrads. The trio went on to found a website that changed the way we choose the movies we watch. We’ll talk with them about the Rotten Tomatoes’ beginnings and we’ll hear from you: How do you use Rotten Tomatoes? Does the tomatometer make or break whether you see a film?


Senh Duong, creator and founding COO, Rotten Tomatoes<br />

Patrick Lee, founding CEO, Rotten Tomatoes<br />

Stephen Wang, founding CTO, Rotten Tomatoes


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