Broc Cellars, an under the radar Berkeley winery, had a solid Japanese following. But when its Zinfandel “Vine Starr” was featured in the beloved manga “Drops of God,” its sales took off. You’ll often find loving descriptions of comfort food favorites like curries, ramens, and rice balls featured in mangas and animes. And cookbooks have been written about dishes featured in their plotlines. In the next All You Can Eat, a collaboration with the KQED Food Team, we’ll talk about the influence of manga and anime on food and vice versa. What are your favorite food anime and manga?
How Manga and Anime Influence Food Culture

We’ll talk about the influence of manga and anime on food and vice versa. (tunaco via Getty Images)
Luke Tsai, food editor, KQED Arts & Culture
Deb Aoki, journalist specializing in comics; co-host, "Mangasplaining" - She previously had a comic strip, "Bento Box" in the Honolulu Star Advertiser<br />
Cesar Hernandez, associate restaurant critic, San Francisco Chronicle<br />