“I wish the moment of love in our lives more closely resembled the grace of a ballerina, but no, love mainly tromps and plops, falls over and tiptoes through our lives,” writes Anne Lamott in her newest book “Somehow: Thoughts on Love.” Lamott, a long time Marin County resident, has always been frank about the messy parts of her life from parenthood to addiction. We’ll talk with her about how and where love has shown up for her and its connection with grief, joy, disappointment and anger.
Anne Lamott 'Somehow' Finds the Love

Anne Lamott's new book is called "Somehow: Thoughts on Love." (Photos courtesy of Anne Lamott)
Anne Lamott, author, "Somehow: Thoughts on Love" - Her other books include "Some Assembly Required," "Operating Instructions," and "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life."