Should you throw out your black plastic spatula — and any other cookware made of black plastic? Unfortunately, yes, probably. A new study finds that black plastic contains higher amounts of flame retardants and other toxic materials than other plastics. And health experts say that means we should try to keep it away from heat… and our food. We’ll talk about how concerned we should be about the plastics in our kitchen and how to evaluate the risks.
How Freaked Out Should We Be About Black Plastic?
A set of six black plastic kitchen utensils. (Анатолий Тушенцов via Getty Images)
Zoë Schlanger, staff writer at The Atlantic, wrote the piece “Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula”
Desiree LaBeaud, associate dean of global health and professor of pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine; Pediatric infectious disease physician who leads the university’s plastic working group.