If you’re gluten-free, going to the grocery store used to mean spending hours reading labels to avoid anything with wheat, barley or other grains. But with the rising number of people with celiac disease and gluten intolerance, more stores and restaurants are offering gluten-free foods. We’ll discuss the rise of gluten-free diets.
Nielsen Fernandez-Becker, associate director of the Celiac Management Clinic at the Stanford School of Medicine
Melinda Dennis, dietician and nutrition coordinator with the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, diagnosed with Celiac disease, and co-author of "Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten-Free"
Sadie Scheffer, owner and founder of BreadSRSLY.com, which delivers gluten-free breads around the city
Jefferson Adams, writer at Celiac.com