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Sandra Tsing Loh on Life in 'Generation Triple-M'

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 (Joe Corrigan/Getty Images)

At the age of 49, writer and performer Sandra Tsing Loh’s life turned upside down. She had an affair that ended her marriage and her body and moods were changing wildly. In her new memoir “The Madwoman in the Volvo,” Loh chronicles the rollercoaster year leading up to her 50th birthday and the perils and absurdities of trying to juggle work, young kids and elderly parents – all while getting pummeled by menopause. Loh considers herself a member of “Generation Triple-M”: middle-aged moms in menopause. We’ll talk to Loh about her book and the experiences of America’s largest demographic group – middle-aged women.


Sandra Tsing Loh, author of "The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones"


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