Protesters held vigil at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco last week to protest the Archdioceses’ plan to make controversial changes to the faculty handbook for four local parochial high schools. The document calls on teachers to lead their public and private lives in accordance with church teachings on homosexuality, abortion, birth control and other behaviors. A similar controversy erupted last year in the East Bay when Catholic schools added language to their teacher contracts. Forum will hear from the church, parents and students about the change.
San Francisco Archbishop Asks Teachers to Lead Lives Consistent With Church Doctrine
(Deborah Svoboda/KQED)
Vincent Campasano, father of a junior at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prepratory; opposes the handbook changes
Lisa Leff, reporter for the Associated Press
Fr. John Piderit, moderator of the Curia and Vicar for administration for the Archdiocese of San Francisco
Mairead Ahlbach, senior at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory
Maya Cresalia, mother of a junior at Marin Catholic