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How Technology Might Help Solve California's Water Woes

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 (MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

The drought is now the top concern for California voters, according to a new survey by the Public Policy Institute of California. We’ll look at possible technological solutions to the state’s water shortage. Can Big Data help us conserve? How much help will desalination be? As part of our Drought Watch series, we’ll find out about some of the most promising innovations for saving, reusing and maximizing what is becoming California’s most precious resource.


Frances Spivy-Weber, vice-chair of the State Water Resources Control Board

Laura Shenkar, strategy consultant focused on water technology for Aremis Water Strategy

Robin Gilthorpe, CEO of WaterSmart

Mike Lord, vice president of engineering for Effluent Free Desalination Corp (EFD)

Lance Donny, founder and CEO of OnFarm


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