As teachers, we sometimes forget that little, everyday actions in the classroom have a huge impact on our students' lives. Just a small offering of appreciation can transform relationships and boost student self-worth. Simple tokens of gratitude, such as students voicing their appreciation for a fired teacher, can shift the climate of entire schools and strengthen the bonds among teachers, kids, and the community. But it’s not just about recognition -- it's also about supporting and inspiring others. Studies have shown that when someone gets appreciated, they feel more socially valued, and this can lead to prosocial behavior. In other words, when someone receives thanks, they are more likely to pay it forward. The more teachers express and practice gratitude, the more inclined students will be to do the same, leading to a more supportive and equitable world.
Check out these picks to help students develop a greater sense of self-worth and inspire a positive classroom culture.
This inspirational site focuses on the writing, sharing, and discussing of people's core beliefs through short essays. Students can practice listening to or reading essays about what others have to say. After spending some time in the Gratitude section, students can then compose and publish their own self-reflective essay on the site. Guide students towards understanding that success often depends on not letting others force you to break your own core beliefs and values.