Excerpted from Real Talk About Classroom Management: 57 Best Practices That Work and Show You Believe in Your Students, Second Edition (Revised and Updated Edition) by Serena Pariser. Copyright (c) 2024 by Corwin Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
Does Amazon sell respect? It seems like some teachers have it from their students and some do not. How do those successful teachers do it? Let me start by saying if the students respect and like you as a person, your job will be a lot easier. Unlike a boss who doesn’t like an employee, you can’t fire a student. You can spend your entire year trying to fix a fractured relationship that is broken due to lack of respect. Here are some guidelines to help earn the respect of your students (not an easy task):
First: You are part of the class. It’s not you versus the class.
Is your goal to get the kids to listen to you or to help each of them succeed? Think hard about this. Do you have the same goals in mind? Now, you may be thinking, “Yes, but how do I help them succeed if they don’t even listen when I am talking?” You’re not the only one who’s been on the verge of tears. I soon learned that when there is a battle in the classroom (you versus them), they can and will overpower you. They outnumber you. Scary thought, right? The secret is that you can’t let them know that. That’s the difference between an unsuccessful teacher and a successful one. Successful teachers know this and work with their students. Unsuccessful teachers seem to fall into the trap of testing their power, using a loud voice to try to overpower. Power struggles rarely work in the long run. It leads to intimidation, which isn’t an ideal learning environment. Yes, I’ve been overpowered. I’ve had students walk out of my classroom, curse in my face and laugh when I discipline them. It’s not a pleasant situation when a student or whole class shows disrespect. It’s also hard to earn respect back once it’s lost. However, once the students trust — yes, trust — that you have their interests in mind, they will let their guard down and get ready for the educational journey. They will want you to lead them. They will ask you what they are going to learn today.
They will give up the fight because they realize you are both on the same side. How do you do this? You don’t tell them, you show them that you have their interests in mind by using the following tips.
Focus on your goal.
Know that whatever you focus on is what will thrive in the classroom. If you focus on negative behaviors, that is what will thrive. If you focus on classroom rules, students will learn those rules, but when will they learn content? My advice is to always have your lesson prepared. Focus on the learning. Show students that learning is always the first priority. That is your job. If you want them to take seriously their job as a student, do your job by being prepared to teach. If you focus on your lesson plan, you will feel confident and the rest will follow suit.
Let students know you believe in their success.
Tell your students that you believe in their success. Do you think they will rise to the occasion if you challenge them? Here’s a secret: If you believe in them and tell them so, they will believe in themselves. If you don’t believe that your students will succeed, they won’t believe either. For example, say