Major support for MindShift comes from
Landmark College


New Studies of Online Tutoring Highlight Troubles With Attendance and Larger Tutoring Groups

School Vendors Get Paid No Matter the Outcome. Some Schools Are Changing the Contracts.

Close up of a young Asian boy studying and doing homework using his tablet computer and headphones.

How an AI Talk meter Can Prompt Teachers to Talk Less and Students to Talk More

In a classroom, seated at students desks, a female tutor sits next to male high school student and points to a page in a workbook.

Four Lessons From Post-Pandemic Tutoring Research

Schools keep buying online drop-in tutoring. Research doesn’t support it.

child holding a pencil at a desk with a paper assignment

Denver Public Schools pledged to pay tutoring vendors based on their results. Did it work?

wide shot of a brick school building with grass trees and a sidewalk in front. Children and adults walk on the sidewalk

Schools face a funding cliff. How bad will the fall be?

One-size-fits-all math homework may be more helpful than you think

high school student and tutor look at an assignment

Thinking about tutoring for your child? Here’s what you should consider.
