Major support for MindShift comes from
Landmark College


MindShift explores the future of learning and how we raise our kids. We report on how teaching is evolving to better meet the needs of students and how caregivers can better guide their children. This means examining the role of technology, discoveries about the brain, racial and gender bias in education, social and emotional learning, inequities, mental health and many other issues that affect students. We report on shifts in how educators teach as they apply innovative ideas to help students learn.

MindShift has a unique audience of educators, parents, policy makers and life-long learners who engage in meaningful dialogue with one another on our social media platforms and email newsletter. Stay informed by signing up for our email newsletter, subscribing to the MindShift Podcast, or following us on Facebook and Twitter.

MindShift is a service of KQED News and was launched in 2010 by KQED and NPR. Ki Sung is MindShift’s senior editor. If you have questions, story pitches or just want to say hi, contact us by email.

A father and young daughter stand on the horizon with sun setting behind them.

Can Noticing "Glimmers" Reduce Parenting Stress?

Sonja Cherry-Paul Shares 5 Antiracist Practices to Transform Reading Instruction

paper cutouts of people held in two hands

How to Strengthen School-Family Partnerships With Proven Strategies

35,000 More Public Servants See Their Student Loan Balances Reduced or Erased

person's hand holding bubble paper and paper crumpled ball

6 Strategies for Addressing Hate Speech and Microaggressions in Classrooms

How Postcards to Parents Can Help Schools Get Kids Back to Class

New Studies of Online Tutoring Highlight Troubles With Attendance and Larger Tutoring Groups

Social Media Is Fueling a Tween Skin Care Craze. Some Dermatologists Are Wary

A child with two French braids and an adult woman wearing a patterned hijab face each other with smiles. The woman holds the child's face in her hands.

Are Some Children Really More Sensitive? Research Says Yes, But It Varies by Situation

College Credit for Working Your Job? Walmart and McDonald’s Are Trying It

Support for MindShift is provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, sponsors and the members of KQED.