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Live Chat: Should the U.S. Intervene in Syria?

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Public opinion in the United States has been running against President Obama's call for a strike against Syria. (WNYC)
Public opinion in the United States has been running against President Obama's call for a strike against Syria. (WNYC)

In the wake of a chemical weapons attack that reportedly left more than 1,400 Syrians dead, the debate has begun on whether the United States should intervene. The American people now wait for what steps, if any, the U.S. government will take in the coming weeks. "The Takeaway" has responded to this call for a national conversation with special programming.

At 11 a.m. PDT, host John Hockenberry, of WNYC/PRI's "The Takeaway," will host a live chat dedicated to the unfolding crisis in the Middle East as America focuses on possible next steps for action in Syria. Joseph Cirincione will also join the chat. He  is president of Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation, and is also a member of Secretary of State John Kerry's International Security Advisory Board.


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