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 (Justin Sullivan / Getty)

Rent Control: A Bay Curious Q&A

Rent Control: A Bay Curious Q&A

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Rent control: It's one of the most polarizing topics around, especially in a housing market like the Bay Area.

Some call it the "golden handcuffs" that keep them living in an increasingly expensive place. Others see it as unsuccessfully meddling in the free market. But how does it work, and who does it actually help? And which cities have rent control? Bay Curious's Jessica Placzek and CALmatters's Matt Levin explored common questions and myths, and answered audience questions in this recent conversation on Facebook Live. Watch below:

Want more on rent control, including the ballot measure you can vote on in November? Hear the Bay Curious podcast: "Is Rent Control Working and Should We Have More or Less of It" -- or read more here.

Facebook Live production by Carly Severn, Vivian Morales, Lina Blanco and Janelle Hessig.


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