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Senate Judiciary Committee Votes on Kavanaugh Nomination

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Senate Judiciary Committee Votes on Kavanaugh Nomination

All morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee has been holding debate after Democrats raised a motion to subpoena Mark Judge, who Dr. Christine Blasey Ford says was there when Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her in high school. Both California senators spoke out -- in their own ways.
Guest: Law Professor Jessica Levinson

U.S. Still Separating Families at Border When Children Are U.S. Citizens

In June, President Trump signed an executive order promising to stop separating families at the border. But it's still going on. It’s happening to kids who have U.S. citizenship.
Reporter: Jean Guerrero

One Year Anniversary of El Cajon Police Shooting

Thursday marked the two-year anniversary of the shooting death of Alfred Olango. The unarmed black man was shot four times by an El Cajon police officer, after Olango's sister called 911 for help because he wasn't acting like himself.
Reporter: Katie Schoolov

Native American Tribe Makes Trip Up-River with Annual Salmon Run

Members of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe are nearly at the end of a trip that mirrors the annual salmon run. They are walking, running, biking and traveling by boat and horse 300 miles up the Sacramento River to Shasta Lake, drawing attention to the low numbers of salmon making the annual run.
Reporter: Tay Wiles

Gov. Brown Signs Two Bills to Improve Maternal Mental Health

A lot of women suffer from mental health problems after giving birth. This week, Gov. Jerry Brown signed two bills into law to improve care for new moms.
Reporter: April Dembosky


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