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Congressman Adam Schiff, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, The Markup

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Congressman Adam Schiff Weighs in on Kavanaugh Nomination Process
Today the Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate floor. In a dramatic move, Republican Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake voted yes, but said the FBI should have a week to investigate allegations brought by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Kavanaugh. This comes just one day after a riveting hearing in which Ford and Kavanaugh both testified about an alleged sexual assault when they were in high school. We get reaction from Southern California congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank).

2018 Election Coverage: Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom
With about five weeks to go until Election Day, a new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California shows the race for governor is tightening. Among likely voters, Democrat Gavin Newsom’s lead is shrinking, but he still leads Republican John Cox by 12 points. The two candidates differ over a host of issues, including immigration and whether to repeal the gas tax. As part of our election coverage, KQED Politics and Government Senior Editor Scott Shafer sat down with gubernatorial candidate Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The Markup
A new nonprofit news organization is taking aim at the power of tech companies and their impact on our lives. Launching next year, The Markup will be led by journalists previously with ProPublica, who pioneered the use of data to reveal the discriminatory effects of software. The organization aims to examine discrimination in advertising, the workplace and within our court system.



  • Julia Angwin, The Markup editor-in-chief
  • Jeff Larson, The Markup managing editor


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