Deputies will be moved to other areas as the county bolsters services for its increasing population of inmates with mental health issues and drug addiction, Braun said.
“We’re eliminating the ICE contract,” Braun said. “This is not in response to the political rhetoric that is out there. This is absolutely a business decision.”
The move comes after several Northern California counties ended their contracts to hold detainees for federal authorities seeking to have them deported. It is unclear what will happen to detainees at the facilities in Orange County; California has barred local governments from signing new contacts or expanding existing ones for immigration detention.
ICE said the decision does not mean an end to detention. “Instead of being housed close to family members or local attorneys, ICE will have to depend on its national system of detention bed space to place those detainees in locations farther away,” the agency said in a statement.
In Orange County, the average number of inmates with mental health needs each day has risen more than 40 percent over three years, according to the sheriff’s department. The agency will upgrade housing modules to meet these needs and temporarily shut one of the jails used for detainees to help offset the loss of revenue from the immigration contract, the department said.