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Assault weapons, body armor, a robot and a "BearCat" designed to withstand a blast from an improvised explosive device.

Alameda County sheriff's deputies used military-style hardware when evicting members of Moms 4 Housing on Tuesday morning.

In a 2010 letter to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors that requested a waiver of the county's competitive bidding process, Sheriff Gregory Ahern discusses funding for a "Lenco BearCat Armored SWAT Vehicle."

Ahern notes Department of Homeland Security funds that would help pay for the armored vehicle specify that "the funds must enhance the capabilities of law enforcement, emergency medical and management services, public works, and public health to respond to acts of terrorism involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) weapons.”

If those moms had nukes in that house, the deputies were ready for them!


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