For Lindsey Parker and Katie Wojnoonski, sheltering in place has meant hunkering down at the dog day care they operate, together with the dogs who are boarding there.
The day that several Bay Area counties began ordering residents to stay at home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the two co-CEOs of the Dog Social Club moved into their West Oakland facility to provide around-the-clock care for the animals there.
“There was really no hesitation between Katie or I about what we needed to do,” Parker said. “We had sort of mentioned, almost jokingly, between ourselves before the actual directive was announced, that if something like that were to happen, we would just move in.”

And that’s what they did, on March 16, almost two weeks ago. Wojnoonski took the corner office and made it her bedroom, bringing along her husband Andy. Parker took another office as her bedroom, and they’re all sleeping on air mattresses.
“Thank goodness there is an employee shower that already existed,” Parker said. “We really didn't want to have to use the grooming facilities to bathe.”