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Yes, It's Confusing

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Some statewide COVID-19 restrictions are easing, but shelter-in-place orders that apply to six Bay Area counties and the city of Berkeley are still in effect.

If you're confused about what is reopening and when, you're not alone.

Even though Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that some restrictions would be easing, keep in mind that if your local health officials' order is more strict, that one takes precedence over the statewide order.

Coronavirus mitigation varies from county to county across California as well as from state to state across the entire country.

I'm all for good ol' fashioned American individualism and freedom, but you can definitely see how a strong centralized socialist government could have better luck stopping a pandemic.


If two or more public health orders in your area recommend different things, it's best to play it safe, stay home and watch Netflix.

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