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A Mark Fiore cartoon showing Governor Newsom standing atop a huge pile of cash representing the state budget surplus. Newsom, looking down at the small crowd running for governor against him (including John Cox's bear), says, "cute bear."

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday proposed a big expansion of the state's economic stimulus plan, which would mean a $600 payment to every California household making up to $75,000 per year. Previously, the $600 checks were slated to go only to Californians making up to $30,000 per year.

Thanks to a booming stock market and money that has flowed to California from the American Rescue Plan, the state's budget has ballooned from the dire early days of the pandemic.

In other words, things are looking up ... unless you're running for governor against Newsom.

Meanwhile, John Cox is still pinning his hopes for a successful campaign on a poor, rented bear.


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