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Cracks in the Chain of Command

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Cartoon: we see as "Officer No-Vax takes it to its logical conclusion." A man in a police hat dressed in crazy circus-type gear and holding a cat on a leash as he says, "look, they can't tell me what to do with my body...of what kind of police dog I can have..."As vaccine mandates for public employees take effect in the Bay Area and across the country, some police officers and their unions are crying foul.

For some reason, the fact that hundreds of police officers have died of COVID-19 over the past two years is not making some cops any more receptive to getting vaccinated.

I am mystified that people in the business of enforcing public safety are so resistant to doing something that will help ensure their safety and the safety of those around them.

Police are required to wear certain uniforms, drive special cars and wear lifesaving safety equipment, but when it comes to a vaccine requirement, many are now bucking the chain of command and suddenly saying "no."


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