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Cartoon: shows "then" and "now" images of a "remain in Mexico" immigration sign. The Trump-era sign says things like "rapists" and "murderers" while the current Biden sign apologizes yet still calls on asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico.

After suspending the Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy on President Biden's first day in office, his administration was forced to reinstate it due to a lawsuit brought by Texas and Missouri.

The revived policy forces asylum-seekers, many fleeing violence and oppression, to stay in Mexico while they seek asylum in the United States.

This isn't just a bureaucratic hassle for people waiting for their immigration cases to be heard.

Human Rights First documented over 1,500 cases of "violent attacks" on migrants who were waiting on the Mexico side of the border.

Even though Trump may be out of office, the damage caused by his policies is still with us.

And last time I checked, Missouri didn't even share a border with Mexico.


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