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Origin Stories | Carlos Cabrera-Lomelí - Reporter/Producer KQED News & KQED en Español

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A young Carlos Cabrera-Lomelí uses journalism to connect with his neighbors and make friends.



Transcript of Comic Strip

This is a KQED Origin Story by Carlos Cabrera-Lomelí, KQED Report/Producer of KQED News & KQED en Español.

Carlos is speaking in all of the panels.

Panel 1: A quote from Carlos reads, "The goal of my work is to bring the needs, journeys and desires of the community I grew up with into KQED."

Panel 2: An adult man wearing slippers stands on his front porch bending over to pick up a newspaper while waving to a young Carlos who stands behind a fence waving back. A caption says, “When I first moved to the US, we lived in Hayward, California. I wanted to make friends, and noticed that one of my neighbors had a newspaper delivered to his porch.”

Panel 3: Carlos holds a copy of the East Bay Times and looks through it. A caption says, “I had never really touched one and was so fascinated. Although I was still learning English, I felt I understood the gist of what it was and decided to make my own with drawings and a few "stories" written in an odd mix of Spanish and English.”

Panel 4: Two children smile at Carlos as he hands them a copy of his handmade newspaper with a stick figure and “Hayward” written across the front of the folded paper. A caption says, “I dropped off some issues at my neighbors' homes, and although the kids didn't understand what they had received, they still became my friends.”

Panel 5: A now adult Carlos stands in front of a Bart station interviewing a woman. A caption says, “That was my first time doing something that even somewhat resembled journalism, and it's connected to why I decided to become a journalist: to meet people and have the honor of hearing their stories.”

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