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Teacher Burnout | This Week in California News

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Pandemic and Teacher Burnout
The COVID-19 pandemic has placed incredible pressure on our school systems and on teachers in particular, who say they’re experiencing burnout like never before. Many of the teachers we talked to say their workload — which wasn’t light even before the pandemic — has become gargantuan. Even as schools are already struggling with major staffing shortages, study after study finds that teachers are contemplating quitting in record numbers. 


  • Beatrice Viramontes, Teach for America Bay Area executive director

This Week in California News and Politics
This week, the city of San Jose made bold moves to increase gun control, hundreds of acres of land were returned to Native Americans, and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she’ll seek another term in office. Our panel of reporters considers the week’s big stories in California.


  • Marisa Lagos, KQED politics and government correspondent 
  • Adhiti Bandlamudi, KQED Silicon Valley reporter

Something Beautiful: East Bay Vivarium
This week’s Something Beautiful should perhaps be called Something Slithery. At the East Bay Vivarium you can find all kinds of snakes and lizards and even a massive komodo dragon. There are also tarantulas and scorpions for the braver among us!


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