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Governor Newsom to Deliver State of the State Address

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Gov. Gavin Newsom with his hands up.
 (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Governor Newsom to Deliver State of the State Address

Governor Gavin Newsom will deliver his annual State of the State address from Sacramento on Tuesday. The state of the state speech is typically a chance for governors to lay out their big plans for the year ahead, but it could be a little different this year.
Reporter: Scott Shafer, KQED 

Sea Level Rise Brings Up More Questions of Equity

California’s seas are rising and for the first time, all 17 of the state’s agencies have come together to plan for the impact. But some long-discounted communities are yet again feeling left out of these conversations.
Guest: Ezra David Romero, Reporter, KQED

Bill Would End Practice of Police Using DNA From Rape Survivors

A bill introduced in the state legislature would prohibit police from matching DNA from rape survivors to unrelated crimes. It comes following a scandal involving the San Francisco Police Department, which misused a rape victims' DNA to arrest her for burglary.
Reporter: Alex Emslie, KQED

Resolution Could Help Younger Immigrants Find Work

A San Francisco supervisor is introducing a resolution supporting a campaign to allow young immigrants to legally work while they apply for humanitarian protections known as Special Immigrant Juvenile, or SIJ status. 
Reporter: Farida Jhabvala Romero, KQED 

Some Rural Californians Using Older Technology to Better Respond to Natural Disasters

California is investing billions of dollars in high-tech solutions to predict and respond to natural disasters. But residents in rural communities, facing fires, floods and winter storms,  are increasingly embracing an old school technology: two-way radios.
Reporter: Scott Rodd, CapRadio 


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