Illegal fireworks light up the sky in the Potrero Hill neighborhood on Saturday, July 4, 2020, in San Francisco. (Santiago Mejia/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)
The Fourth of July holiday is once again around the corner, and with these celebrations come fireworks — whether in the form of official displays, or illegal ones being set off in your neighborhood. And we mean: Lots of fireworks.
The serious stuff: As popular as fireworks may be, a huge amount of them are illegal in California — even around July 4. Setting off personal fireworks, even when legally purchased, can also pose grave threats to your life, and pose extreme wildfire risks. Jump straight to:
We’re also mindful that for many other people, including people living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or pet owners, the sudden noise of such displays can cause real challenges for your household. So we’ve spoken to experts for advice about how to deal with unwelcome firework noise at this time of year, too. Jump straight to:
Fourth of July firework displays around the Bay Area
Keep reading for just some of the local firework displays taking place to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday this year. (Remember: Not all firework shows in the Bay Area are taking place on Tuesday, July 4 itself.)
The short answer: Yes, many types of fireworks are illegal in California — and even the legal kinds of fireworks are only legal to use at certain times of year, in certain places.
That’s because the state of California regulates the sale and use of fireworks to cut down on threats to safety, to not only people’s physical health but also their surroundings. (More on that below.)
“A legal firework has gone under testing by the state to ensure that the characteristics of it are inherently safer than those that don’t get our safety seal,” Daniel Berlant, deputy director of community wildfire preparedness and mitigation at Cal Fire, told KQED in 2022. “Really, any firework that explodes, goes up in the air or moves around the ground uncontrollably are considered illegal fireworks.”
It’s not just about the type of firework, but where they’re being used. In California, the sale and use of state-approved fireworks each Fourth of July (PDF) — known as “Safe and Sane” fireworks — is permitted in a limited number of communities: only about 300 statewide.
Anywhere else, even on the Fourth of July weekend and even if they’re on the Safe and Sane list (PDF), fireworks are illegal.
Where can I buy legal fireworks for the July 4 holiday?
You also have only a “very small window” to purchase Safe and Sane fireworks around the Fourth of July holiday, says Berlant: from 12 p.m. on June 28 through 12 p.m. on July 6 each year. (That’s unless a community has a local ordinance that’s even more restrictive.)
How personal fireworks — and bonfires — can injure or kill you
Even before considering the huge risks of sparking a wildfire (more on this below), setting off your own fireworks — even when legally purchased, in one of the areas that permits them — can be incredibly dangerous.
At a June 28 safety briefing focused on fireworks risks, Santa Clara County Fire’s Assistant Fire Chief Brian Glass warned of the “significant risk not only to members of the community but to individuals who are lighting these illegal fireworks” — urging Bay Area folks to instead choose to safely attend one of the many official firework displays happening on or around July 4.
At the same briefing, Dr. Clifford Sheckter, Director of Regional Burn Center at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, gave graphic examples of the kinds of injuries — and even deaths — that attempting to set off your own fireworks can incur. On mortar style fireworks, Sheckter warned that “if those go off in your hand, you are losing fingers, if not your whole hand. If this goes off by your face, you could end up blind.”
And while sparklers might strike many folks as a small, innocuous kind of personal firework on July 4, Sheckter noted that not only are they illegal in many areas, sparklers can also pose massive threats to children. “Kids think it’s a popsicle: They put it in their mouths, they put it near their faces, they give themselves pretty severe burns and end up on the burn unit for one to two weeks,” he warned.
Lt. Jonathan Baxter, a spokesperson for the San Francisco Fire Department, also told us in 2019 that sparklers are illegal in San Francisco. “Sparklers burn at 1,800 degrees, which is [hot] enough to burn gold,” he said. “So if it can burn gold, you can imagine what it can do to your hand.”
Sheckter particularly stresses the importance of not mixing alcohol and drugs with fireworks or fire, noting that “one of the most common injuries” his burns unit sees around the Fourth of July are incurred by people “mixing alcohol and bonfires.”
“If you get wasted and fall into a bonfire, you’re either going to die or you’re going to end up severely burned and on my burn unit for the next six months,” said Sheckter, warning of so-called sixth-degree burns that can extend down into a person’s bones. Injuries from these kinds of burns, Sheckter said, are very difficult to reconstruct, and often necessitate tissue grafts or prostheses. Curious children wandering around campsites and grasping coals, embers or fire pit rings are also a common source of pediatric injuries.
How personal fireworks can spark wildfires at this time of year
Unsanctioned fireworks are seen over Oakland on July 4, 2017. (Theodore Roddy/YouTube)
Mishandled fireworks specifically around the Fourth of July in California have caused real damage in the past. In 2014, a reveler set off fireworks in Yolo County near the Monticello Dam, igniting a 6,500-acre blaze that took days to put out, injured five firefighters and drove dozens of people from their homes.
While it’s usually always dry and warm at this time of year, the 2023 Fourth of July holiday is coinciding with what the National Weather Service is calling the “first widespread heat event in the region,” with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees in some areas. In addition to the heat and low humidity, the NWS is anticipating “breezy onshore winds … each afternoon and evening,” and also warns of “the bumper grass crop coinciding with the hot, dry conditions.”
And if, after all this, you’re still considering setting off your own fireworks display over the Fourth of July weekend, you might want to consider the impact fireworks have on the Bay Area’s air quality.
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has warned that every year at this time, the smoke, dust and soot from fireworks add to unhealthy spikes in particulate matter, and urges residents to “consider your health and the health of your family before lighting personal fireworks.” The agency also encourages people to avoid firing up the barbecue, lighting a campfire and other fire-related activities that all add to overall air pollution, which weighs on everyone.
Whether you’re planning to light up some fireworks or simply watch them from afar, here are a few safety tips, compiled from experts around the state.
“If you are coming to visit the parks, leave your fireworks at home,” urges State Parks information officer Adeline Yee.
Use only approved fireworks
Although certain fireworks are legal in much of California, the state has a zero-tolerance policy for both the sale and use of illegal fireworks, and violators may face fines of up to $50,000 and jail time.
Illegal fireworks include firecrackers, Roman candles, sky rockets, bottle rockets, aerial shells and other fireworks that move on the ground or in the air in an uncontrollable manner. Want to do a quick check? Look for the Safe and Sane label that indicates fire marshal approval, and consult Cal Fire’s full list of approved “Safe and Sane” fireworks.
“We really are urging people to be extra cautious in wildland areas,” says Cal Fire’s Berlant, who notes that even in urban areas, fireworks can still spark a wildfire.
Berlant recommends you make “sure that Safe and Sane fireworks are used in areas that are cleared from vegetation” and are lit in “parking lots or in driveways that are surrounded by nothing that could catch on fire.”
Be ready to douse a fire
Never point fireworks at yourself or another person, and never attempt to relight or fix a firework that won’t light. Designate a sober, responsible adult to light up the fireworks. Light one firework at a time, far away from dry grass, and have a bucket of water or a hose handy in case something goes wrong. Also, this may sound obvious, but alcohol and fireworks do not mix well.
Properly dispose of fireworks
At the end of the celebration, all used and misfired fireworks should be submerged in water for 15 minutes and wrapped in a plastic bag to keep them from drying up. Then toss them in the household trash. Any unused fireworks that have not expired should be kept in a cool, dry place away from children.
Fireworks can be triggering for people living with PTSD. (Vojtech Okenka/Pexels)
Fireworks can trigger symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans or victims of gun violence.
Dr. Brian Mohlenhoff, a psychiatrist in the PTSD clinic at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, told KQED in 2020 that many of his patients struggle when there’s an uptick in fireworks.
Mohlenhoff says he encourages his patients to focus on the present, adding, “What I’m hoping is that after [fireworks] happen, they can quickly reorient and remind themselves that they’re in a safe place, and they’re not back there. So anything that can help with that is a good thing.”
With the inevitability of fireworks going off across the Bay Area on a nightly basis, Mohlenhoff shared advice with KQED for how people suffering from PTSD can prepare and cope.
Plan ahead (if you can)
Preparation may be more difficult if you’re hearing fireworks going off ahead of July 4 — instead of being confined to a single holiday. With fireworks happening at unpredictable times, it’s impossible to know when to expect them.
“I think it’s harder than the Fourth of July, because that random explosion is very similar to a lot of people to what it’s like on a base,” Mohlenhoff says.
If you can, try to reduce the noise by listening to music, watching a movie or playing video games with headphones on. If you’re also triggered by bright flashes, close your curtains or blinds to block the light at night.
Focus on the present and ask for support
The most important mental health tip, Mohlenhoff says, is to ground in the present moment and remind yourself you’re safe.
You can use grounding techniques to focus on your surroundings, such as naming out loud five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste.
Mohlenhoff says it can also be helpful to orient toward what’s around you and tell yourself things like, “I’m here in my home. I’m here with my loved ones. I’m here with my dog. And that boom is just the fireworks.”
Having a supportive friend or family member present (or that you can call) is often the most grounding for patients, Mohlenhoff says. It’s important for them to remind the person suffering from PTSD that they’re safe in the here and now. More tips on how to help a loved one coping with PTSD.
Download a mindfulness app
If you’re by yourself or need extra support, you can try a coaching app to guide you through grounding exercises.
Here is a list of free hotlines to speak with a professional:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255 For the veteran’s crisis line, press 1. For deaf and hard of hearing support, dial (800) 799-4889.
“It’s natural for animals to be fearful of loud noises,” Dr. Sophie Liu, San Francisco SPCA resident in behavior medicine, told KQED in an email.
Since fireworks have been so frequent, make sure your pets are secure inside your home and you’re able to monitor them. But, if possible, she recommends going out of town with your pets for July 4 — somewhere without fireworks, if possible.
Update your pet’s tag and microchip information
Liu says shelters often receive microchipped animals but are unable to contact their owner because the pet’s microchip information is outdated. Your veterinarian can help if you don’t know how to update this information or if you don’t remember which microchip company you used.
Recognize fearful behavior
Pets may perceive loud, unexpected noises as a threat, and running away or hiding is a natural survival instinct.
It’s important to know whether your animal is anxious in order to prevent them from accidentally injuring themselves. Animals may be showing signs of fear if they are panting, licking their lips, whining, drooling, shaking, yawning, hiding or not accepting a treat.
Create a safe space
“It is not uncommon to see pets trying to tear through metal crates, chew through door frames or jump out of windows,” Liu warns.
She suggests owners create a safe haven for their pets before and during fireworks celebrations.
“Choose a comfortable room without windows, or where you can close the curtains. Play soothing music or use a white noise machine,” Liu says. “The goal of these tools is to help your pet relax and stay calm.”
Liu says some pets may want to hide in the bathroom due to its extra insulation, which could make a great safe space if your pet is naturally attracted to it.
Give them treats — but watch what they eat
Distract your furry friends with what they love most — treats. Even better: Try a treat-dispensing toy, like a Kong, to keep them distracted for long periods of time. “A pet that is comfortable enough to be eating is less likely to be panicked or worried,” Liu says.
But be aware of what they have access to, she warns.
“We’ve had animals come to our veterinary hospitals with severe injuries due to fireworks, including burns,” Liu says. “Pets should never be near fireworks — not only is it scary for animals, but fireworks have the potential to cause serious harm.”
Dogs also may try to eat fireworks that aren’t safely stored, which contain chemicals and heavy metals. Also, keep your canines from munching on sparklers, glow sticks, charcoal, kabob skewers and even these common foods that can be dangerous to pets.
Consider over-the-counter medication
You can try using calming pheromones to relax your pet, such as sprays for cats, and collars or plug-ins for dogs.
If all else fails, and your pet is exhibiting severe anxious behavior, Liu says to talk with your vet about medication options.
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Allessandra DiCorato and Jazmine Mejia Muñoz contributed to this story. An earlier version of this story was published June 29, 2022.
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