Substance use navigator Monique Randolph confers with an ER doctor at Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco on Aug. 26, 2021. (Beth LaBerge/KQED)
The arrival of what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls respiratory disease season has prompted almost all of the nine Bay Area counties to issue types of face mask requirements for their staff in health care facilities.
In Alameda County, for example, a masking order started Wednesday and will last through April 30, 2024.
“The fall and winter of 2022-23 saw substantial waves of RSV, flu and COVID-19, and a similar pattern is expected this year,” an Alameda County health department spokesperson told KQED in an email.
However, of the nine Bay Area counties, only two — Santa Clara and Marin — require visitors, patients, and workers to also wear masks in these settings, as confirmed by the county’s public health department spokesperson. In Marin County, all individuals in patient care areas are asked to mask — except those under six years old or with a medical excuse.
Most of the counties — like San Francisco, Alameda and San Mateo — are only enforcing the mask rule on staff or patient-facing workers, although some do recommend all entering health care facilities wear masks.
San Francisco’s Health Officer also recommends continuing “appropriate protections based on their situation,” such as getting the new COVID vaccine, wearing a well-fitted mask in appropriate settings, staying at home if you are feeling ill, and staying aware of medications like Paxlovid that help with the severity of the COVID infection.
Scroll down to find out your county’s current masking rules, according to their county spokesperson.
Masks have been found to be effective at reducing the transmission of COVID “when worn consistently and correctly,” says the CDC, and any mask is better than no mask” in protecting your individual health — especially ahead of the holiday season when many people gather and travel.“ Wearing a mask also reduces the likelihood of community spread and helps protect those at higher risk for severe illness or death from COVID, like older or immunocompromised people.
Registered nurse Devin Perez prepares a dose of the Moderna vaccine. (Jessica Christian/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)
What are your Bay Area county’s masking rules for health care settings?
San Francisco
Who has to wear a mask in these settings? Staff and health care personnel; does not require patients or visitors.
When is this in effect? Nov. 1 through April 30, 2024
Who has to wear a mask in these settings? Staff and other workers in specified Health Care Facilities. Patients and visitors are recommended.
When is this in effect? Nov. 1 through April 30, 2024
Santa Clara
Who has to wear a mask in these settings? Patients, visitors and staff.
When is this in effect? Nov. 1 through next March
San Mateo
Who has to wear a mask in these settings? Staff in the patient care areas of in-patient facilities such as hospitals must wear masks.
When is this in effect? Nov. 1 through April 30, 2024
Who has to wear a mask in these settings? “Mask requirement will apply to all individuals within the facility while they are in patient care areas,” a Marin County spokesperson told KQED. “Children under age 6 and those with a valid medical reason are exempt.”
When is this in effect? Nov. 1 through March 31, 2024
Contra Costa
Who has to wear a mask in these settings? All patient-facing county staff are required to mask. Patients are recommended to mask, but it’s not required.
When is this in effect? Effective Nov. 1.
Who has to wear a mask in these settings?Only staff must mask in Napa, but visitors are recommended for at-risk patients.
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