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State Lawmaker Tries To Close Loophole In Gun Ownership Rules

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A customer displays the handgun he purchased from a gun shop in Walnut Creek. State lawmakers are aiming to restrict concealed carry permits, but any new laws could run afoul of a recent ruling by the US Supreme Court. (Michael Macor/The San Francisco Chronicle/Getty Images)

Lawmaker Tries To Close Loophole In Gun Rules For  Mentally Ill 

California has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation, but a Democratic state lawmaker says there’s a big loophole for some people deemed mentally ill by a state court – and he wants to fix it. The loophole – while California law prohibits someone from possessing a gun if a court finds them mentally incompetent to face a felony charge, it doesn’t apply to people being prosecuted for a misdemeanor.
Reporter: Marisa Lagos, KQED

Governor Newsom Recommends Small Cuts For State Prison System

The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office says the state could save up to a billion dollars a year by closing more prisons. This as California faces a budget deficit in the tens of billions. But Governor Gavin Newsom is taking a more cautious approach to trimming prison beds. 
Reporter: Nigel Duara, CalMatters  


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