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SF Supervisors Vote 10-1 to Make Ed Lee Interim Mayor; New Board Must Ratify Choice

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The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 10 -1 today to make City Administrator Ed Lee the interim mayor, once the position is vacated by Gavin Newsom, who will be sworn in as Lieutenant Governor of California this weekend. The vote, taken by the lame-duck board, must still be ratified by the new board to become effective. Chris Daly was the only vote against Lee.

Live blog of today's vote

4:18 p.m. Meeting adjourned. It wasn't so on like Donkey Kong tonight, but still, a decent slice of democracy, and Lee emerged as a near-consensus pick. Ed Lee is now the interim Interim Mayor. Now go talk about that 4.1 earthquake.

4:18 p.m. If this were any place but SF, the fact that an earthquake occurred during the Lee vote may have been taken -- one way or the other -- as a sign from God.

4:15 p.m. Roll call vote: Chiu aye. Daly no. Dufty aye. Elsbernd aye. Mar aye. Maxwell aye. Mirkarimi aye. Alioto-Pier aye. Avalos aye. Chu aye. Campos aye. Motion passes 10-1. Congratulations Ed Lee, you are now not really the interim mayor, because the office is not vacant yet. But looks like you will be...


4:13 p.m. "Despite references to Donkey Kong," we have orderly transition of power, says Chiu. Says he's proud of what they're about to do. But somebody just tweeted: "Hey supervisors, nobody cares anymore. That was an earthquake."

4:13 p.m. Chiu doesn't mention the earthquake, but there sure are a lot of tweets coming over the transom about it.

4:11 p.m. Board Pres. David Chiu's turn...Hey everyone is tweeting there's been an earthquake. Not just a political one... Some people felt it here too.

4:09 p.m. Michela Alioto-Pier is speaking. She's being termed out, along with Daly, Dufty, and Sophie Maxwell. She's always been a yes.

4:07 p.m. More people are clicking right now on the 49ers live press conference announcing hiring of Jim Harbaugh than this.

4:02 p.m. Ross Mirkarimi's turn. He too is upset that Hennessey didn't make the grade on Tuesday. He too says that all signals were that Hennessey would be acceptable to Newsom. This inside look at how the process unfolded by the Bay Citizen today says the following:

"... the contenders — Sheriff Michael Hennessey, former Mayor Art Agnos and Aaron Peskin, the chairman of the city’s Democratic Party — were deemed too liberal by Pak, Brown and Newsom, who are more moderate."

3:58 p.m. Here comes The Daly Show. To wit: "Go along to get along" isn't a good thing. He cites his words from Tuesday. "Something is not right, not just with process," but in, I quote: "The world." If Lee surprises Daly, then he'll apologize. But in Lee, all Daly sees is status quote. As "candidate Obama said, we need change...what we have in front of us will not address fundamental injustices in SF." He's a no vote. But I wonder: Ed Lee will just be an interim mayor, no? Would even a dyed-in-the-wool progressive interim be able to galvanzie any change in business as usual?

3:54 p.m. Eric Mar's up. His recent appearance on The Daily Show comes to mind. Didn't look too good there, coming off better now. He's a yes vote. Rose Pak said "it's a done deal," and boy it sure looks that way.

3:52 p.m. Avalos speaking, sound like a yes. Looks like it's going to be a landslide. 10-1? A vote against Lee would be something "setting us way back." Like Campos, he has questions about process. Doesn't like Newsom's delaying his Lt Guv swearing-in in order to influence the process for interim mayor. But he's going to vote yes.

3:51 p.m. N Judah Chronicles is tweeting the meeting.

3:45 p.m. Campos talks about significance to Chinese-American community. Knows what it's like when a community that's been excluded feels one of their own will take charge. Says the supes should keep this in mind. Hopes Ed Lee will provide "due process" rights for all citizens. Talking about SF as sanctuary city. Wants to make sure Lee's on board with that. He's going to vote for Lee.

3:40 p.m. David Campos now speaking. Talking about nomination for Hennessey, which failed. Says Hennessey didn't deserve treatment he received, accepted nomination only after hearing from peopel allied with Newsom and Newsom himself. Says he's been open to Lee serving in role of interim mayor. Campos says he's spoken to Le twice now. Doesn't like the process that's taken shape. At end of day, he's "very disappointed" in process and way votes have shifted, the real question is "Can Ed Lee do this job?" Yes, Campos says. He's no "lightweight," as Aaron Peskin said in a press report.

3:38 p.m. Rose Pak is there, apparently. Daly says if nominations were opened up again, he'd "go ahead and nominate Rose Pak." That's an allusion to Pak's behind-the-scenes role, along with Willie Brown, in getting Lee to this point. He's really going after her now. Daly said same thing to Examiner today.

3:35 p.m. "If (he) ends up being appointed successor mayor," for the 12 months following that term, he cannot have full-time employment from the city and county of San Francisco" after. That's the whole issue of Lee wanting an exemption from being excluded from taking over his old job as City Administrator. Talk is they are going to change that law to accomodate Lee's candidacy.

3:33 p.m. Daly cites this Bay Citizen article: "Newsom's Dual Role Raises Legal Quandary." Says Bay Citizen's piece today delving into how Lee got made as the candidate was "best piece of journalism" he's seen in city in a long time. (It was an excellent piece.)

3:30 p.m. Now Daly's embroiled in a complicated conversation about conflict-of-interest rules with an attorney whose name and position I didn't catch. Not sure who she represents. Daly says he's "exhausted himself" on this point.

3:25 p.m. Daly asks why Dufty is not conflicted out of this vote as he is running for mayor. Cites example of Dennis Herrera, City Attorney, who recused himself from consulting on interim mayor decision.

3:23 p.m. Mission Local is tweeting the meeting.

3:22 p.m. Eric Mar says he was "deeply troubled" with breakdown of civlity at last meeting. Votes to re-open nominations. Dufty says no. Mar is aye. Maxwell is no. Mirkarimi aye. Alioto-Pier no. Avalos no. Campos aye. Five ayes, six nos, Daly loses that one. He will not be able to submit a new name for nomination.


3:18 p.m. They're going over what happened at Tuesday's meeting and whose in nomination tonight. Peskin, Lee, Hennessey. Peskin said he didn't want it, so Daly is asked to withdraw Peskin nomination. Daly does. Asks if he can open new nomination. Makes motion to re-open nomination given that his candidate declined. He needs a majority vote.

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