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Catching Up With the Giants World Series Trophy

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Photo: Dave R Flickr

The Giants' World Series Trophy has been on tour for about a month now and yesterday made its way to San Jose's Municipal Stadium, where the San Jose Giants play, for fans to view. On Feb 5 the trophy comes back to San Francisco for what's being billed as a "KNBR/Giants Fanfest" at AT&T Park, then continues on for a few months more before ending its run by I guess ascending to Heaven, where Mel Ott and Christy Mathewson can take a peek.

Here are photos of the trophy on Flickr and the Giants' Facebook page. Here's a great one of Willie Mays sayheying a little girl holding the trophy at a school near the site of the Polo Grounds, the Giants' old New York stadium.

But lest you're thinking about going skin-to-sacred-metal with the symbol of the Giants first Series win since 1954, don't. You'd probably have an easier time giving a hug to Hosni Mubarak. From the Giants trophy tour site:

Can I touch the Trophy?
A. The Trophy will NOT BE ALLOWED to be touched by anyone, except the designated handler and security personnel who will accompany the Trophy at all times.


I think you'll be allowed to blow kisses at it though.

Update 11:33 p.m. Hey you know who else gets to hold the trophy? Brian Wilson! As noted in the SFist. Not sure that's the safest choice. Here's a photo of The Beard holding the trophy aloft. What he did with it next God only knows...

Good news: Wilson's back on Twitter with an inaugural tweet of, "The Beards back on twitter.....Lets Rage!!!!!!!! " And don't forget, he also answers questions via Webcam on VYou.

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