Obama 2012 has opened a “technology field office” in San Francisco. It's a first-time effort to recruit the tech community into a presidential campaign.
Back in 2008, the Obama campaign turned out phone-bankers and door-knockers. At last night's launch party, organizers were sweet-talking data-miners and coders.
"I'll eventually just get roped in,” says web developer Chris Zacharias. “They'll have some interesting problem I just have to solve and next thing I know, I'll be a fully-bonded Obama campaign coder."
Another developer, Florian Hoenig, says he came to see if the campaign is open to getting new ideas from, and even hiring, local start-ups. “If it's a very creative space, then I see a place to contribute," Hoenig explains.
Among the more than 200 attendees at the launch, there was Craig Newmark of Craigslist, and a guy wearing the sticker "Yes We Code."