And one from 2011…
“We did a show on Alzheimer’s that included Douglas Rosenberg, who had pledged millions of dollars to Alzheimer’s research, specifically to the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. He challenged others listening to pledge.
Someone high up at Bechtel heard the broadcast and pledged a million dollars. It revealed to me the kind of extraordinary and unexpected impact that radio can have.”
Dave Iverson, Friday Host
“I was raised Catholic and how you contend with church teachings you find challenging has personal resonance for me. But beyond that, it did what I hope a good interview does. I think I asked what needed to be asked and I think the Archbishop did his best to answer. It was a tough but fair, interview. And interestingly, the Archbishop felt the same way.”
Dan Zoll, Senior Producer
“There were a lot of memorable shows in 2012, many on critical social and political issues, but my pick is a lighter one that I had a blast working on. With its exhibit “San Francisco and the Movies,” the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society gave us a good excuse to look at the city’s role in cinema history. How often do you get to play a clip of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in Dark Passage and then talk about the Moderne-style Malloch Building on Montgomery Street, which served as the location for Bacall’s apartment?
The three guests were excellent, as I knew they would be, but what surprised me was the level of listener knowledge and interest. We received a flood of calls and emails and more than 75 online comments, recalling films ranging from the famous Bullitt car chase featuring Steve McQueen to less well known films like Wayne Wang’s “Chan is Missing.”
Irene Noguchi, Producer
“I was going to pick “Radio Ambulante” or Glynn Washington from “Snap Judgment” as my favorite for 2012, and then we did Friday’s show looking at how violence can impact a community. No offense to my previous choices (I heart you, Radio Ambulante!), but I liked this show for its very real, truthful voices.
We often talk about issues from an outsider’s perspective, with experts who are well-informed but sometimes distanced from what people are going through on the ground. But Friday, we heard from people in the thick of it: a young woman who talked about hearing gunshots in her neighborhood, and another woman who lost two sons to shootings. They were so fired up and passionate about their community, and the show got really intense. I’m glad we heard from them. It’s these voices that take issues and crystallize them into reality… and keep me riveted to the radio.”
Judy Campbell, Producer
In setting up this show I had many long conversations with a lot of people about their personal experiences in prison and about their crimes and their lives. As a producer or reporter we sometimes get the opportunity to hear stories like this, complicated and nuanced, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes funny. But to fit them into a story or a program, we usually need to boil them down to the issues that help illustrate a point or argue for a policy change. In this show we heard four people with very different experiences who were willing to share intensely personal parts of their lives at length.
They were remarkably candid and well-spoken and I think the show gave a rare glimpse into the life experiences of people we often talk about but don’t regularly hear from.
Amanda Stupi, Engagement Producer
“I love shows with clear takeaways — calls to action that people can actually implement. One show that changed my behavior was the show with Beth Terry about reducing one’s plastic footprint. Her passion and pragmatic tips have stayed with me — I’ve begun using reusuable sandwich wraps, saying no to drinking straws and asking myself, “Do I really need to buy this?”
Also, as Forum’s engagement producer, I find myself experimenting with new ways to involve our audience and testing just how much my coworkers will reveal about themselves online. I couldn’t believe it when the other producers and guest host Scott Shafer collected the plastic they used for an entire day, bringing it in for me to photograph. That’s dedication!”