Despite Overhaul, California's Unemployment System Still Plagued With Fraud, Debt

A yellow and green toned illustration of a human figure wearing a yellow jacket and light coloredpants, striding up a staircase in the middle of an M.C. Escher-style maze

Layoffs: From Unemployment Benefits to Health Insurance, the Steps to Take ASAP

An illustration of a $1 bill split into sections, with 'EDD' printed on the top.

Inside California’s Billion-Dollar Bet to Overhaul Its Embattled Unemployment System

An illustration that shows someone feeding their resumes into a computer screen, which reads "Apply."

Layoffs: The Best Ways to Find a New Job, According to an Expert

A window sign that says 'We Are Hiring' with the reflection of a man looking at it.

California's July Unemployment Rate Is Lowest in Nearly 50 Years

Thousands of Californians Waited Weeks for Disability Payments While EDD Grappled With Fraud

A woman looks at the Employment Development Department (EDD) website, where California residents can file for unemployment on Mar. 16, 2020.

Why Are California Unemployment Checks So Hard to Get? New Report Has Ideas

A person's right hand holds a pen between their fingers, and operates a Apple Mac mouse at the same time

EDD Finally Adds More Multilingual Unemployment Support — After Advocates Mount Legal Challenge

A line of individuals who stand outside on the sidewalk. Their faces are outside the frame of the photo.

EDD Begins Punitive Approach by Forcing Some Recipients to Pay Back Their Unemployment Benefits
