Two men sit on a bed in a hotel room — one with a doctor's stethoscope.

California Stuck With $300 Million Tab as FEMA Denies COVID Housing Program Expenses

An illustration of a hand holding a cell phone with a red emergency logo above the device.

Find Out Why Your Phone Will Get an Emergency Alert Wednesday Morning

A tall hotel building is seen in the distance with many rectangular windows. A woman has her back to the camera as she stands staring to her right. The sun is shining on parts of the building, but it is mostly in shade.

San Francisco to Pay Hotel Whitcomb $19.5 Million in Property Damage

An elderly white man exits Air Force One with presidential seal on the airplane and journalists and camera people waiting below, a soldier salutes.

President Biden Visits Storm-Hit California After Raising Federal Aid Even Higher

FEMA Rejected 95% of Aid Applicants From Last Fall's California Fires. Why?

FEMA's COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Phone Message Could Scare Off Applicants Who Need Help Most, Advocates Say

Cómo puede solicitar asistencia financiera de FEMA por los incendios forestales en California

FEMA Disaster Assistance in California: How Fire Survivors Can Apply

A Long List for FEMA's 'Coronavirus Rumor Control' Website
