wage theftwage theft

Fast food workers from KFC and Taco Bell march behind a huge red and yellow banner that reads, "San Joe fast food workers." Some demonstrators hold flags and signs.

Taco Bell, KFC Workers in San José Walk Out Over Hot, Dangerous Conditions

Protesters sit on the ground, holding signs, outside of Los Angeles International Airport — with LAX in large letters behind them.

California Is Sitting on Millions of Dollars That Could Be Used to Boost Wage Theft Response

Major Wage-Theft Claim Backlog Due to Severe Understaffing at California Labor Agency, Audit Finds

wage theft

San Diego Program Helps Wage Theft Victims Recover Money They're Owed

San Diego Aims to Help Wage-Theft Victims Recover Money Owed

Workers Lost Millions to California's Worst Known Wage Thief. And He's Still in Business

An exterior shot of a red Cheesecake Factory sign.

The Cheesecake Factory Pays $750,000 in Connection to Wage Theft Case

Cómo un grupo de campesinos denunció a un viñedo por abusos laborales y ganó

A hand holds a flier with the words "wage theft" written in bold on the top.

How Santa Clara County is Fighting Wage Theft
