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Aarush Guglani: Quest to Save Our Planet from Climate Chaos

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When faced with climate despair, Aarush Guglani found hope and community through action.

One regular morning, while munching breakfast, Mom dropped a bomb – I had to participate in a charity talent show. As we chatted, news of blazing wildfires and scorching heat waves set us on edge for major change. Mom, in her dramatic flair, dropped: “What can you do about it?” It hit me hard!

As I delved deeper, and discovered the cause of the wildfires, be it Canada or Maui, a realization dawned upon me. I couldn’t resist the urge to play my role! Much like the youth climate heroes Greta Thunberg and Daniel Dagnon, I’d become a climate crusader.

Then, out of nowhere, my twin brother dropped a genius idea: “Let’s rock the charity event with a hip-hop jam!” Bingo! We had a plan. I’ll admit, I was nervous stepping onto that stage, fearing I might make a fool of myself. I took the plunge and belted out, “Climate change ain’t waiting; it’s time to take the lead!” It felt like I had stumbled onto something big—a mission to unleash our inner heroes for a planet in need. After the show, the buzz about climate change was undeniable. Some people even asked me what’s next. I found myself on an emotional rollercoaster, going from joy to hope to a deep sense of community.

It wasn’t just a one-time show; it was about putting these good intentions into action. So, I developed a plan with clear goals to spread the word. I wanted people to see that even small changes can make a big difference. For starters, I decided not to buy new school bags. At home, we made eco-conscious choices, such as ditching paper plates and plastic water bottles, or choosing tree planting over traditional birthday gifts, among other changes.


With the Maui fires casting a shadow and the school year geared up, it’s time to shake things up right here in my own backyard. Imagine this: a hip-hop sustainability music event extravaganza focused on climate change! I’m brimming with determination, armed with a fresh perspective, and absolutely ready to make it all happen.

With a Perspective, I’m Aarush Guglani.

Aarush Guglani enjoys working out and playing basketball.

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