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Harri Hetrick: Make Your Bed

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Harri Hetrick’s busy life had little order or discipline. Until he decided to begin his day with one simple task.

Today was a battle. Because of a difficult AP Calculus test followed by an underprepared Spanish presentation, a ton of Economics homework and the screaming of insubordinate aspiring youth lacrosse players, I am tired. Yet my silver lining nears. While I drive home I feel pride knowing that despite a day of obstacles and possible failures, the first task I set out to do was a success because I will come home to a made bed.

Making my bed in the morning seems trivial, right? To some, maybe, but as I pull up the comforter, fluff my four pillows to their sharp points and fold the bottom sheet over my soft blanket, I embark on my day with order in my life.

I have not always made my bed. This habit began fairly recently. I returned home from school one day to my yelling mother, a fairly common occurrence, due to her strong belief in “telling it how it is.” The yelling started because I could not juggle my homework, test prep, and sports, on top of my family commitments for the week.

In the past, I haven’t been great about managing my time and I used to only do things when they were right in front of me. I lived in the moment but struggled to keep myself organized.


Frustrated, mostly at myself, that night I made a spreadsheet planning out my schedule, and a sign, one that I would look at every day. “Be Great,” designed to test my character and willingness to perform at a high level in everything I do. My goal was to establish a routine for success and I thought there was no better way to start than by making my bed.

Being deliberate has become my mantra. Completing simple tasks creates my foundation of success from which I can build throughout my day. Just as throwing a lacrosse ball against a wall 100 times every night leads to winning championships. I find myself being more thoughtful about where I spend my time, what I am doing and how I am doing it. Small victories give me confidence to take on greater challenges. I strive to achieve greatness, a goal only achievable by beginning with my made bed.

With a Perspective, I’m Harri Hetrick.

Harri Hetrick is from Larkspur.

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