We are hosting the fourth annual Coolio Awards! Last year, we awarded Maxine Waters for reclaiming her time, Tarana Burke for starting the #MeToo movement and Sarah Jessica Parker for freaking the f*ck out over a solar eclipse.
Coolio Awards: The Best and Worst of 2018 Pop Culture

This year we are honoring new people for being involved in the best and worst pop culture moments of the year.
Who will win Best Use of Sound Effects to Punctuate a Point?
Queen of the People?
Well-At-Least-You-Tried Participation Trophy?
And who will be honored in our In Memoriam retrospective of all the people canceled in 2018?
Listen to hear all about it!
Coolio Awards: The Best and Worst of 2018 Pop Culture
Until next week! Subscribe and rate us five stars in iTunes! And find us on Facebook and Twitter!