Tonight's saddest story is: Chris Kelly, "Mac Daddy" of the '90s rap group Kris Cross, died of a possible drug overdose. He was only 34.
I grew up without a TV but even I knew Kris Kross and liked to sing, "Jump! Jump!" at every opportunity and wear my pants backwards occasionally, to the consternation of the adults in my life. Really, what an amazing and hilariously tame form of youthful rebellion that Kris Kross cultivated with their signature backwards clothing style. Of course, it was probably a producer somewhere that came up with the idea, since the boys (the group was him and the other Chris, Chris Smith, "Daddy Mac") were all of 14 when they hit the scene in 1992. And if he really did die of a drug overdose, then we might want to think about that, what our culture's obsession with kid stars is doing to the kids, seemingly all the time. Whatever happend, 34 is too young to die without it being a tragedy. Tonight Facebook is lit up with this video but if you haven't seen it, watch now. And if you have, watch again. RIP Chris. May we remember your sacrifice when we jump to your song and scream along with the lyrics at weddings and dances for the rest of our lives.