We look at celebrities who've leved-up for inspiration, imagine alternate universes (what if Iman was President? what if Aaliyah was with us? what if Whitney never met Bobby?), and check up on Young Thug, Chelsea Handler, and Serena Williams.
Mandy Moore Reinvented Herself, and So Can You!

... into a respected actress and Golden Globe nominee, who says we can't make something out of our lives?
And since we're already communicating in Mandy gifs, check out young Mandy weirdly waving with her naked foot:
Recent weeks have felt like we're living in an alternate reality, so we thought it might be fun to dream up some pop culture what-if scenarios. What if Iman was our President?
What if Aaliyah was still here?
And what if Whitney had never met Bobby?
We give props to Ryan Staake for finishing a $100k Young Thug video, despite the fact that Young Thug didn't bother showing up for the shoot. Watch how he turned that lemon of a situation into music video lemonade:
We are troubled by the fact that, despite some gains for women in Hollywood (an all-female Ghostbusters! a woman front-and-center on a Star Wars poster!), women only said 27% of the words in 2016's biggest movies:
We try to make sense of Chelsea Handler saying that the Kardashians are the reason Trump got elected, while also saying Megyn Kelly is swell:
And we ride out on “Dove” by Pillar Point, which has the best music video you've seen in a long while:
Until next week! Subscribe and rate us in iTunes! And find us on Facebook and Twitter!