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A common house mosquito bites into a human arm. Josh Cassidy/KQED
A common house mosquito bites into a human arm. (Josh Cassidy/KQED)

Cast Your Vote: Help KQED's Deep Look Win a Webby Award

Cast Your Vote: Help KQED's Deep Look Win a Webby Award

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Public media and nature documentary fans unite! KQED Deep Look’s video “How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood,” has been nominated in the 21st Annual Webby Awards – the Oscars of the Internet. Cast your vote and help us win a Webby for public media and science!



Watch “How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood” below:

“How Mosquitoes Use Six Needles to Suck Your Blood,” produced by Gabriela Quirós, gets really, really close to show you what a mosquito is doing when it bites you. Scientists have been figuring out all the bloody details, and it’s not just for idle curiosity: mosquito bites are more dangerous to humans than any other animal bite. While female mosquitoes — only females bite us — are drinking our blood to grow their eggs, they can leave behind viruses and parasites that cause diseases like West Nile, Zika, malaria and dengue.

GIF of Mosquito BIte
An Anopheles mosquito bites into a human arm. (Josh Cassidy/KQED)

Want to see Deep Look triumph on that Webbys stage? Cast your vote now! The last day to vote is April 20.


Shout out to the KQED Deep Look team who worked on this episode:

Series Producer: Craig Rosa
Producer: Gabriela Quirós
Cinematographer: Josh Cassidy
Editing / Sound / Post-Production: Elliott Kennerson
Host / Writer: Amy Standen
Additional Editing / Motion Graphics: Kia Simon
Original Music: Seth Samuel
Animation: Teodros Hailye
Social Media / Outreach: Jen Brady and Sevda Eris

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