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Satellite Images: California Fires From Space

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Since Aug. 15, hundreds of lightning-sparked fires across California have scorched an area about the size of Delaware. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s GOES-West satellite captured this image loop on Aug. 19, showing wildfire smoke plumes billowing over the Western U.S., as a cyclone spins over the Gulf of Alaska to the north and Hurricane Genevieve, later downgraded to a tropical storm, whirls toward Baja California. Click on the image to open up a larger version.


The satellite images below show, from left to right, wildfire smoke from the CZU Lightning Complex fire near Santa Cruz; the LNU Lightning Complex near Lake Berryessa; and the SCU Lightning Complex near Heny W. Coe State Park, southeast of San Jose. The CZU and SCU images were captured on Aug. 20; the LNU image was taken on Aug. 19. The images come courtesy of Planet Labs Inc. Click on each image to open up a larger version.

CZU Lightning Complex LNU Lightning Complex SCU Lightning Complex


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