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Homemade Cannabis-Infused Lotion Bars

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Cannabis-infused lotion bars (Monica Lo)

As the temperatures begin to drop, you might start to experience dry, itchy skin. Try your hand at these ultra luxurious, all-natural lotion bars this winter. Lotion bars are mess-free and perfect for all your holiday activities and travel. Pop them into a tin container to keep in your bag, car, or to hand out to friends and family. 

They're not edible, but make for great gifts! This recipe uses a cannabis-infused coconut oil* for a relaxing feeling without the cerebral effect. Cannabis topicals are absorbed through the skin for localized relief. You can choose to opt out and use regular coconut oil as well. 

Orange, black pepper, and cinnamon scented lotion bars infused with cannabis.
Orange, black pepper, and cinnamon scented lotion bars infused with cannabis. (Monica Lo, @sousweed)

Pick your favorite essential oils and as the lotion bar melts against the warmth of your skin, it will double as aromatherapy!

Essential Oil Suggestions:

Powerful & Feminine Blend: Rose, Lavender, Black Pepper

Spiced Cider Blend: Orange, Black Pepper, Cinnamon

Cannabis-Infused Lotion Bars

Makes 8 lotion bars

Giftable lotion bars infused with cannabis.
Giftable lotion bars infused with cannabis. (Monica Lo, @sousweed)



  1. Combine cannabis-infused coconut oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax in a double boiler over medium-low heat with 2 inches of water in the bottom pan. Stir occasionally with a rubber spatula until uniformly smooth, about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and stir in essential oils of your choice.
  3. Pour the infused mixture into silicone soap molds and allow to cool completely before removing from the molds.

*Please note: Add regular coconut oil place of the cannabis-infused coconut oil if you do not wish to medicate your lotion bars. Cannabis-infused topicals are absorbed through the skin for localized relief without the cerebral effects.


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