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Sexual Abuse in the Yoga Community: Share Your Story

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People practice yoga on the top of the Montparnasse Tower on July 4, 2017, in Paris. (GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT/AFP/Getty Images)

In November, KQED News asked our audience to share their #MeToo stories of sexual abuse, misconduct and harassment in the Bay Area.

We received more than 120 stories; among them was alleged sexual abuse at the hands of a yoga teacher. As #MeToo spurs industries to examine their codes of conduct, ethical guidelines and practices, we're exploring the world of yoga and how it is responding to sexual abuse within its community.

Here is our first story - a nine-month investigation spurred by our initial responses to this callout: #MeToo Unmasks the Open Secret of Sexual Abuse in Yoga

If you have a story to share, please do so in this form. You can also contact reporter Miranda Leitsinger at mleitsinger@kqed.org or on the encrypted communications app Signal. Her information is Miranda Leitsinger, 650-888-2765.

Thank you for sharing your story. We'll be respectful of your time and your experience.


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