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Saul Gonzalez: sgonzalez@kqed.org or on Twitter @SaulKQED
Angela Corral: acorral@kqed.org or on Twitter @KQEDAngela
Madi Bolaños: mbolanos@kqed.org or on Twitter @bymadibolanos
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Support for The California Report is provided by Stanford Health Care, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Blach Construction, and PaintCare.
Grant support for The California Report is provided by Eric & Wendy Schmidt, The James Irvine Foundation, and Westly Foundation.
The California Report Magazine
Want more in-depth storytelling? The California Report’s weekly magazine, with host Sasha Khokha, takes you on a road trip for the ears, and the imagination, to meet the people and visit the places that make California unique. Subscribe to The California Report Magazine Podcast.

Co-host, The California Report
Before joining KQED, Saul worked for the PBS NewsHour, Religion & Ethics Newsweekly, and public radio affiliate KCRW in Santa Monica, where he also hosted the podcast series "There Goes the Neighborhood" about gentrification. For his work, Saul has been honored with several Emmys and is a two-time winner of the L.A. Press Club's Radio Journalist of the Year Award.
When not working, Saul spends his time trying to hone his amateur photography skills and spending as much time as possible in bookstores and coffee houses.
Twitter @SaulKQED

Co-host, The California Report
Twitter @bymadibolanos

Senior Editor, The California Report
Twitter @kqedangela