The war of words between the Trump administration and California's top officials ratcheted up several notches Wednesday, with Attorney General Jeff Sessions telling an audience in Sacramento that the state's sanctuary policies are "irrational, unfair and unconstitutional." He added that laws like SB 54 indicate that California "is using every power it has and powers it doesn't have to frustrate federal law enforcement."
Shortly after Sessions spoke to a California Peace Officers' Association gathering, Gov. Jerry Brown called the Trump administration's lawsuit against California "an act of war" and part of a larger "reign of terror" against the state.
Brown also accused the president and attorney general of lying about California's immigration policy.

"What Jeff Sessions said is simply not true, and I call upon him to apologize to the people of California for bringing the mendacity of Washington to California," Brown said at a packed press conference in the Capitol.
Sessions had particularly tough criticism for Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, whose recent warning about impending immigration raids in the Bay Area he called "irresponsible." U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced last week that 232 individuals were arrested in Northern California over a four-day period.