Origin StoriesOrigin Stories

KQED Origin Stories

We asked KQED journalists to share their origin stories and the experiences that laid the foundation for their work in public media. While their responses have ranged from delightful to deeply touching, all of them are moving. They remind us that journalism and public media is about connection: making friends, honoring the memories of loved ones or searching out pathways to share the stories of disadvantaged people in our world communities in order to promote understanding. 

Art: Becca Kao @becca.strike
Art: Kelly Heigert @kelly.heigert

Origin Stories | Scott Shafer - KQED News Reporter & Co-host, Political Breakdown

Origin Stories | Sasha Khokha - Host, The California Report Magazine

Origin Stories | Saul Gonzalez - Co-Host, The California Report

Origin Stories | Marisa Lagos - Political Correspondent & Co-Host, Political Breakdown

Origin Stories | Danielle Venton - KQED Science Reporter

Origin Stories | Devin Katayama - Editor of Talent and Development

Origin Stories | Carlos Cabrera-Lomelí - Reporter/Producer KQED News & KQED en Español

Origin Stories | Member Story: Jeri Opalk - Leadership Circle Ambassador Member
